Sound Made Seen

Using AI to help audio creators make social video content

SoundMadeSeen is a small innovative startup that assists audio creators in transforming their podcasts and audiobooks into engaging video and text content with the help of AI and a custom design editor. We're currently working on a comprehensive redesign of the initial prototype to enhance the product’s design and user experience.




UX design, UI design


2024 - Current

Sound Made Seen

Using AI to help audio creators make social video content

SoundMadeSeen is a small innovative startup that assists audio creators in transforming their podcasts and audiobooks into engaging video and text content with the help of AI and a custom design editor. We're currently working on a comprehensive redesign of the initial prototype to enhance the product’s design and user experience.




UX design, UI design


2024 - Current

Sound Made Seen

Using AI to help audio creators make social video content

SoundMadeSeen is a small innovative startup that assists audio creators in transforming their podcasts and audiobooks into engaging video and text content with the help of AI and a custom design editor. We're currently working on a comprehensive redesign of the initial prototype to enhance the product’s design and user experience.




UX design, UI design


2024 - Current

The problem

SoundMadeSeen is a project created by Rane Bowen, a developer, podcaster, and long-time collaborator of mine. Recognising the need for a tool that helps audio creators transform their content into shareable social videos and text, he leveraged emerging AI technology to create a prototype and launched it to market. While the technical foundation was solid, the product lacked refined design and user experience elements. Now, as a team of two, we are systematically redesigning the product, establishing a comprehensive design system, and enhancing the overall user experience.

AI Audio Analyser

Transcribe and analyse audio with AI

The audio analyser is one of the first tools we've upgraded with design and UX. Users can upload an audio file or sync their podcast and the AI will transcribe and pick the best excerpts to use for your promo videos. Users can select a section via the waveform, transcript or AI suggestions to then create a video.

Design editor

Generating a video from your audio

We're now working on updates for the design editor to improve the user journey and design of the editor by getting it to our design MVP stage. By referencing patterns from other tools that our audience may be familiar with we can ease the learning curve for new users.

The problem

SoundMadeSeen is a project created by Rane Bowen, a developer, podcaster, and long-time collaborator of mine. Recognising the need for a tool that helps audio creators transform their content into shareable social videos and text, he leveraged emerging AI technology to create a prototype and launched it to market. While the technical foundation was solid, the product lacked refined design and user experience elements. Now, as a team of two, we are systematically redesigning the product, establishing a comprehensive design system, and enhancing the overall user experience.

AI Audio Analyser

Transcribe and analyse audio with AI

The audio analyser is one of the first tools we've upgraded with design and UX. Users can upload an audio file or sync their podcast and the AI will transcribe and pick the best excerpts to use for your promo videos. Users can select a section via the waveform, transcript or AI suggestions to then create a video.

Design editor

Generating a video from your audio

We're now working on updates for the design editor to improve the user journey and design of the editor by getting it to our design MVP stage. By referencing patterns from other tools that our audience may be familiar with we can ease the learning curve for new users.

The problem

SoundMadeSeen is a project created by Rane Bowen, a developer, podcaster, and long-time collaborator of mine. Recognising the need for a tool that helps audio creators transform their content into shareable social videos and text, he leveraged emerging AI technology to create a prototype and launched it to market. While the technical foundation was solid, the product lacked refined design and user experience elements. Now, as a team of two, we are systematically redesigning the product, establishing a comprehensive design system, and enhancing the overall user experience.

AI Audio Analyser

Transcribe and analyse audio with AI

The audio analyser is one of the first tools we've upgraded with design and UX. Users can upload an audio file or sync their podcast and the AI will transcribe and pick the best excerpts to use for your promo videos. Users can select a section via the waveform, transcript or AI suggestions to then create a video.

Design editor

Generating a video from your audio

We're now working on updates for the design editor to improve the user journey and design of the editor by getting it to our design MVP stage. By referencing patterns from other tools that our audience may be familiar with we can ease the learning curve for new users.

This is just the start of the transformation for SoundMadeSeen. I'm sharing a few screens to highlight the initial progress, but there's much more on the horizon.

Let's work together.

© Kelly Stubbs 2024